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A Framework for Securing Health Information using Blockchain in Cloud Hosted Cyber Physical Systems

by Aisha Banu, Sharon Priya, Poojitha, Kiruthiga, Subash Chandran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Aisha Banu, Sharon Priya, Poojitha, Kiruthiga, Subash Chandran

Aisha Banu, Sharon Priya, Poojitha, Kiruthiga, Subash Chandran . A Framework for Securing Health Information using Blockchain in Cloud Hosted Cyber Physical Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 18 ( Jun 2023), 50-55. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023922914

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title = { A Framework for Securing Health Information using Blockchain in Cloud Hosted Cyber Physical Systems },
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%A Aisha Banu
%A Sharon Priya
%A Poojitha
%A Kiruthiga
%A Subash Chandran
%T A Framework for Securing Health Information using Blockchain in Cloud Hosted Cyber Physical Systems
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have undergone numerous technical improvements in recent years, including the incorporation of mobile devices with the cloud computing technologies to facilitate medical data exchanges between patients and the healthcare professionals. This cutting-edge architecture enables cyber physical systems housed in the cloud to provide healthcare services with minimal operational costs, high flexibility, security, and EHR accessibility. If patient health information is stored in the hospital database, there will always be a risk of intrusion, i.e., unauthorized file access and information modification by attackers. To address this concern, a decentralized EHR system based on Blockchain technology is proposed. To facilitate secure EHR exchange across various patients and medical providers, a reliable access control method based on smart contracts is developed. The cryptocurrency, specifically Ethereum, is incorporated in the suggested system to protect sensitive health information from potential attackers. In the suggested approach, both physicians and patients are required to be authenticated. Patients can register, and a block with a unique hash value will be generated. Once the patient discusses the disease with the physician, the physician can check the patient's condition and offer drugs. For experimental findings, the public Block chain Ganache and solidity remix-based smart contracts to protect privacy is applied and the Ethers are used as the crypto currencies.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Electronic Health Records EHR Distributed system Ethereum Smart Contracts Blockchain Cloud Computing Cyber Physical Systems Ganache Crypto currency Ethers smart contracts Security and Privacy.