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IoT based Vaname Shrimp Cultivation System Model

by Ronny Katuuk, Johan Makal, Fanny Doringin, Ali Ramschie
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Ronny Katuuk, Johan Makal, Fanny Doringin, Ali Ramschie

Ronny Katuuk, Johan Makal, Fanny Doringin, Ali Ramschie . IoT based Vaname Shrimp Cultivation System Model. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 17 ( Jun 2023), 8-16. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023922876

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title = { IoT based Vaname Shrimp Cultivation System Model },
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%A Ali Ramschie
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Vaname shrimpis one of the shrimp varieties that is suitable for cultivation, where this type of shrimp is resistant to disease and has a high survival rate. The cultivation process of Vaname shrimp is also influenced by water temperature, where the suitable water temperature for the growth and development of Vaname shrimp ranges from 28°C to 32°C. In addition, the level of acidity and alkalinity (pH) of water can also affect the development of Vaname shrimp, where the suitable pH for Vaname shrimp cultivation ranges from 6.8 to 8.5. Based on the issues in Vaname shrimp cultivation, a process is needed to produce shrimp production that meets the expected target. If the Vaname shrimp cultivation process is done conventionally (manually), the likelihood of achieving the target production as expected will not be achieved, because it requires time and energy in monitoring water temperature conditions, monitoring the pH of water, and adjusting water conditions to changes in temperature and pH of water. Therefore, a system is needed to monitor the growth process of Vaname shrimp, where the monitoring process is related to the condition of the pond water (water temperature and pH). To make the monitoring process effective, it can be done anywhere and anytime through the implementation of the IoT concept. In addition to monitoring the condition of the pond water, a control system is needed to regulate the water condition to meet the growth needs of Vaname shrimp, which includes adjusting the water temperature to stay within the appropriate range (28°C to 32°C) and maintaining the pH of water between 6.8 to 8.5. From the testing conducted on the Vaname shrimp cultivation model system by implementing automated systems and IoT technology, it was found that the system was able to perform remote monitoring of the water temperature and pH conditions in the pond. The system was also able to automatically control the water temperature and pH in the pond. For example, when the water temperature in the pond is detected to be below 28°C, the system will automatically activate the hot water pump and channel it into the pond until the water temperature increases to the range of 28°C to 32°C, at which point the pump will stop operating.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Control monitoring IoT Vaname Shrimp