CFP last date
20 March 2025
International Journal of Computer Applications
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Volume 185
Call for Paper
April Edition
IJCA solicits high quality original research papers for the upcoming April edition of the journal. The last date of research paper submission is 20 March 2025
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The week's pick
A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Preemptive Multi-Objective Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
Zahra Zare
Maysam Ashrafzadeh
Random Articles
A Genetic based Neuro-Fuzzy Controller System
A Tool Generating Dataset for Decision Making
IOT based Medical Home
Human Liver Cancer Classification using Microarray Gene Expression Data
Volume 185
Number 1
Editor's choice::
Improving MSAProbs Algorithm performance and Parallel Computing using GPU
Authors: Sally Zaki El-hadary , Sara A. Shehab , Hatem Said Ahmed
Number 2
Editor's choice::
Security Analysis of Medical Image Encryption using AES Modes for IoMT Systems
Authors: Zied Guitouni , Mohammed Ali Ghaieb , Mohsen Machhout
Number 3
Editor's choice::
Construct and Visualize Three Fuzzy Controllers for Biological S-Systems
Authors: Shinq-Jen Wu
Number 4
Editor's choice::
IoT and the Autonomy of Communicating Objects Lead toward an Adapted Future
Authors: Nawel Kortas
Number 5
Editor's choice::
DriveCare – Automated and Sustainable Points Manipulation System for Drivers and Traffic Police Officers
Authors: Lakshika Medhavini Wickramasinghe , Pasindu Bhasura , Ishanka Pramidu Lakshan , Charith Widanapathirana , Nelum Amarasena
Number 6
Editor's choice::
Estimation the Hazard Rate Function using Gumbel Type 2 Kernel
Authors: Ola A. Elsamadony , Ahmed Mattar
Number 7
Editor's choice::
An Electronic Tool based on Bloom Taxonomy and Blueprint for Producing Lesson Plan
Authors: Almonzer Salah Nooraldaim , Adil Ali Saed
Number 8
Editor's choice::
A Design of Assistive Technology Application for Visually Disabled Elderly Citizens
Authors: John-Tyler Sprankle , Selvanayaki Kolandapalayam Shanmugam
Number 9
Editor's choice::
Combating Cybercrime using a Prototype PC Surveillance and Monitoring Software System
Authors: Worlanyo Adom , Ping Zhang , Frederick A. Adrah
Number 10
Editor's choice::
Smart Wearable Device for Physical Distance and Location Monitoring
Authors: Butz M. Sayson , Kenneth N. Samson , Jerome S. Austria , Jackylyn I. Ferrer , Maynard Gel F. Carse
Number 11
Editor's choice::
Phishing Detection Implementation using Databricks and Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Dinesh Kalla , Fnu Samaah , Sivaraju Kuraku , Nathan Smith
Number 12
Editor's choice::
Driver Drowsiness Detection and Notification Through Facial Pattern Analysis
Authors: Bonaparte A. De Vega , Jairus S. Delos Reyes , Mateo Madrine F. Magalong , Michael M. Mislang , Jenniea A. Olalia
Number 13
Editor's choice::
Predictive Framework for Advanced Customer Churn Prediction using Machine Learning
Authors: Dinesh Kumar Jena , Abhyarthana Bisoyi , Aruna Tripathy
Number 14
Editor's choice::
A Mechanism on Video Tracking and Recognition with Fast Transmission in Wireless Communications
Authors: Jianjun Yang , Mingyuan Yan , Abi Salimi , Jason Porter , Ying Luo , Ju Shen
Number 15
Editor's choice::
An Algorithm for Faster Keyword Detection on a Forensic Image
Authors: Katie Millar , Dinesh Mothi
Number 16
Editor's choice::
Tracking of Excavators in the Artisanal Small-Scale Mining Sector in Ghana using TX 140-4G Tracker
Authors: Akpah Sylvester , Selasie Vondee , Desmond Boahen
Number 17
Editor's choice::
Implementation of Lean UX for Coworking Space Booking Room Application Design
Authors: Retno Prihatini , Tri Widodo
Number 18
Editor's choice::
Traveling Salesman Problem Multi-destination Route Recommendation System Using Genetic Algorithm and Google Maps API
Authors: Catharina Adinda Mega Cahyani , Trianggoro Wiradinata
Number 19
Editor's choice::
Predicting Students’ Academic Performance using Artificial Neural Networks
Authors: Solomon Tok Dung , Godwin Thomas , Yinka Oyerinde
Number 20
Editor's choice::
Design and Implementation of an Intelligent based Remote Health Monitoring System using Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Sophie Uwho , Bourdillon O. Omijeh
Number 21
Editor's choice::
Optimizing the Performance of the Advanced Encryption Standard Techniques for Secured Data Transmission
Authors: Kwame Assa-Agyei , Funminiyi Olajide , Temitope Alade
Number 22
Editor's choice::
Comparison of Techniques for Storing JSON Data in Relational Form
Authors: Dušan Petković
Number 23
Editor's choice::
Cost-Effective Investment to Monitor the Network Infrastructure of Small and Medium- Scale Enterprises
Authors: H.P.A.I. Pathirana , V.B. Godagama , H.K.S.H. Premadas , A.B. Mailewa
Number 24
Editor's choice::
Application of Machine Learning for Predicting the Occurrence of Nephropathy in Diabetic Patients
Authors: Benjamin Lartey , Kelvin Adrah , Frederick Adrah , Joan Isichei
Number 25
Editor's choice::
High Performance Linpack (HPL) Benchmark on Raspberry Pi 4B (8GB) Beowulf Cluster
Authors: Dimitrios Papakyriakou , Ioannis S. Barbounakis
Number 26
Editor's choice::
Wireless Implementation on Fake Wifi using Network Forensic Development Life Cycle Method
Authors: Richa Retno Rahmadhani Sembiring , Imam Riadi
Number 27
Editor's choice::
Combining Multiple Sentiment Analysis Dimensions into a Comprehensive Sentiment Metric
Authors: Kemp Williams , Gregory Roberts , Jason James
Number 28
Editor's choice::
Subtitle Generating Media Player using Mozilla DeepSpeech Model
Authors: Waat Perera , B. Hettige
Number 29
Editor's choice::
Intelligent Thread-Specific Rename Register Allocation for Simultaneous Multi-Threading Processors Based on Cache Behavior
Authors: An Do , Wei-Ming Lin
Number 30
Editor's choice::
Parabola based Geographic Forwarding in Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Jianjun Yang , Mingyuan Yan , Abi Salimi , Bryson Payne , Jason Porter , Janet Morales
Number 31
Editor's choice::
Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Attack Classification and Clustering in Network Security
Authors: Castro A. Yoga , Anthony J. Rodrigues , Silvance O. Abeka
Number 32
Editor's choice::
Chi-Square Detective Ensembled Cardinal Gradient Bootstrap Aggregating Classifier for Secured Big Data Communication
Authors: S.L. Swapna , V. Saravanan
Number 33
Editor's choice::
Automated Extractive Text Summarization using Genetic and Simulated Annealing Algorithms and their Hybridization
Authors: Moheb R. Girgis , Marina Esam , Mamdouh M. Gomaa
Number 34
Editor's choice::
Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Identification of Block Ciphers under CBC Mode
Authors: Bruno Dos S. Rocha , Jose´ A. M. Xexe´o , Renato H. Torres
Number 35
Editor's choice::
Implementation of Keyword Extraction using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) in Python
Authors: Ahmad Farhan AlShammari
Number 36
Editor's choice::
Implementation of Text Similarity using Word Frequency and Cosine Similarity in Python
Authors: Ahmad Farhan AlShammari
Number 37
Editor's choice::
IoT Implementation for Monitoring and Controlling Solar Power Plant Systems
Authors: Ali Ramschie , Ronny Katuuk , Sulastri Eksan
Number 38
Editor's choice::
Modified DE-based Fuzzy PD Controller for UP6 Manipulator
Authors: Duc Hoang Nguyen
Number 39
Editor's choice::
Implementation of Rule Base-Fuzzy Logic on Android based Plant Watering System with Internet of Things Technology
Authors: Cornellius Agova Madu Putera , Joko Aryanto
Number 40
Editor's choice::
Automating Resume Classification: Leveraging NLP and AI for Efficient Candidate Screening
Authors: Akshata Upadhye
Number 41
Editor's choice::
Inventory and Demand of Goods Android-based: Rest API Implementation on Information System
Authors: Imam Roqip , Farida Ardiani
Number 42
Editor's choice::
An Analysis of the Performance and Randomness of Lattice-based Public Key Cryptography Algorithms
Authors: Rafael Da S. Oliveira , José A.M. Xexéo , Renato H. Torres
Number 43
Editor's choice::
Automatic Identification of Extremely Tiny Brain Hemorrhages in Susceptibility Weighted Images using Convolutional Neural Network
Authors: Sahereh Obeidavi
Number 44
Editor's choice::
A Geo-location Database Framework for Television White Space Administration in Nigeria
Authors: Matthew K. Luka , Okpo U. Okereke , Ejike C. Anene , Elijah E. Omizegba
Number 45
Editor's choice::
Optimization of Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Architecture Pattern and RESTfull API on Android-based E-Learning Application
Authors: Alfansyah Nori Pratama , Farida Ardiani
Number 46
Editor's choice::
Implementation of Simple Additive Weighting Method to Analyze the Selection of Rover/Ranger Mate Scout
Authors: Maoren G.F. K Banat , Joko Aryanto
Number 47
Editor's choice::
Heart Rate Monitoring System using Max30102 Sensor and Gaussian Naive Bayes Algorithm
Authors: Beni Mustiko Aji , Wahyu Sri Utami
Number 48
Editor's choice::
Wormhole Attack Vulnerability Assessment of MANETs: Effects on Routing Protocols and Network Performance
Authors: Ferdinand Alifo , Doe Martin , Mustapha Awinsongya Yakubu
Number 49
Editor's choice::
Implementation of C4.5 Algorithm for Classification of Nutritional Status of Toddlers
Authors: Alfaeni Syafa Safira , Arief Hermawan
Number 50
Editor's choice::
Implementation of Augmented Reality Technology as a Media for Introducing Cultural Diversity in Indonesia
Authors: Ryu Arifial