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An Efficient Keyword Searching Algorithm for Information Retrieval from Desktop

by S. Vijayarani, R. Janani, S. Dinesh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: S. Vijayarani, R. Janani, S. Dinesh

S. Vijayarani, R. Janani, S. Dinesh . An Efficient Keyword Searching Algorithm for Information Retrieval from Desktop. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 8 ( Apr 2022), 40-44. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922053

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author = { S. Vijayarani, R. Janani, S. Dinesh },
title = { An Efficient Keyword Searching Algorithm for Information Retrieval from Desktop },
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issue_date = { Apr 2022 },
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%T An Efficient Keyword Searching Algorithm for Information Retrieval from Desktop
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The growth of huge volume of text documents in the internet has lead the users to download and store the lot of information on their computers. hence, the retrieval of specific information from huge volume of documents is a challenging task. The main objective of this research work is to develop a tool which is used to perform the search process and retrieve the relevant information based on the query which is given by the user.The significant steps of this tool are, Document Collection, Searching and Retrieval. The documents (.txt, .pdf, .docx) are collected from the system (various folders), there searching task is carried out, after the Query keyword from the user. Now the tool will search the collected documents ay analyzing whether the given search query is found in the documents or not. This can be performed by using the existing and proposed algorithms. Normal search and Indexed search are existing algorithms and the Graph Based Keyword Search (GBKeyS) algorithm is a proposed algorithm. From the experimental result it is found that, the proposed algorithm produced the better results than existing searching algorithms.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Text Mining Information Retrieval Keyword Search Desktop Search Normal Search Indexed Search Graph based Search PageRank