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Computational Intelligence in Serious Games: A Case Study to Identify Patterns in a Game for Children with Learning Disabilities

by Andreia M. Domingues, Sabrinna Delgado, Marcia A.S. Bissaco, Sidnei A. De Araújo
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Andreia M. Domingues, Sabrinna Delgado, Marcia A.S. Bissaco, Sidnei A. De Araújo

Andreia M. Domingues, Sabrinna Delgado, Marcia A.S. Bissaco, Sidnei A. De Araújo . Computational Intelligence in Serious Games: A Case Study to Identify Patterns in a Game for Children with Learning Disabilities. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 7 ( Apr 2022), 40-44. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922044

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title = { Computational Intelligence in Serious Games: A Case Study to Identify Patterns in a Game for Children with Learning Disabilities },
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%A Andreia M. Domingues
%A Sabrinna Delgado
%A Marcia A.S. Bissaco
%A Sidnei A. De Araújo
%T Computational Intelligence in Serious Games: A Case Study to Identify Patterns in a Game for Children with Learning Disabilities
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
%@ 0975-8887
%V 184
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

This work explores the application of computational intelligence techniques in a serious game (SG) for children with learning disabilities. Specifically, Data Mining (DM) techniques such as Decision Tree and Apriori algorithms were applied to identify the existence of patterns that allow a better understanding of the children’s profiles involved in the game. The data analyzed are related to the interaction of twenty children with the considered SG, which consists of a three-dimensional virtual zoo, developed with features that appeal to the preferences of children about nine years old to assist and motivate their learning. The results obtained in the conducted experiments revealed patterns in the profiles of the game's players under analysis, allowing to identify some characteristics that can help the psychopedagogical team. These findings can also enable the improvement of the game making it adaptable to different player profiles.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Computational Intelligence Data Mining Pattern Recognition Decision Tree Apriori Algorithm