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The Comparison National Institute of Standards and Technology and Digital Forensics Research Workshop Method in Instant Messenger Services

by Vendratama Catur Prasetya, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Vendratama Catur Prasetya, Imam Riadi

Vendratama Catur Prasetya, Imam Riadi . The Comparison National Institute of Standards and Technology and Digital Forensics Research Workshop Method in Instant Messenger Services. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 6 ( Apr 2022), 48-55. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922019

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There have been many crimes committed through the internet (cybercrime). Especially for the problem of cybercrime, digital forensics is needed, where the handling is the same as in other forensic fields, only in the handling of digital forensics, the media used to obtain evidence is through mobile devices and other digital devices. This researchaims to compare the results of the tools used, namely MOBILedit Forensic, Magnet AXIOM, and FTK Imager. As well as knowing the differences in digital forensic methods between the methods of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Digital Forensics Research Workshop. In this research, it is necessary to carry out research stages including case simulation used to obtain data to be investigated next is a comparison of tools used to determine the application that has the best extraction results, the next stage is to analyze NIST method in which there are four stages including Collection, Examination, Analysis and Reporting and DFRWS method that consists of six stages, including Identification, Preservation,Collection,Examination, Analysis, and Presentation, then an analysis of the differences between two methods is carried out. The results showed the use of tool MOBILedit Forensic WhatsApp with the extraction percentage in the form of group chat and picture by 50% and tool Magnet AXIOM by 50%, and tool FTK Imager by 25%, while the use of tool Magnet AXIOM WhatsApp Business, the extraction percentage in the form of group chat and picture 50% and a tool MOBILedit Forensic is 0% and tool FTK Imager 25%. This researchcan determine the strengths and weaknesses of the forensic method between NIST and DFRWS methods in handling cyberbullying and online shop fraud, with NIST method is more inclined to reporting evidence and for handling cases that are not too complex, while DFRWS method is more directed to handling by investigators and for handling more complex cases.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cybercrime DFRWS NIST WhatsApp WhatsApp Business