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Activation Energy Impacts on Hydromagnetic Convective Heat Transfer Flow of Nanofluid Past a Surface of Vertical Wavy with Variable Properties

by Amitosh Tiwari, Amit Ranjan, Subhransu Mania
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 50
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Amitosh Tiwari, Amit Ranjan, Subhransu Mania

Amitosh Tiwari, Amit Ranjan, Subhransu Mania . Activation Energy Impacts on Hydromagnetic Convective Heat Transfer Flow of Nanofluid Past a Surface of Vertical Wavy with Variable Properties. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 50 ( Mar 2023), 35-42. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023922632

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title = { Activation Energy Impacts on Hydromagnetic Convective Heat Transfer Flow of Nanofluid Past a Surface of Vertical Wavy with Variable Properties },
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%A Amitosh Tiwari
%A Amit Ranjan
%A Subhransu Mania
%T Activation Energy Impacts on Hydromagnetic Convective Heat Transfer Flow of Nanofluid Past a Surface of Vertical Wavy with Variable Properties
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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An attempt has been made to analyse effect of activation energy on hydromagnetic nanofluid past a vertical-wavy-surface with variable properties in the presence of temperature gradient dependent heat sources with Darcy model. By means of the Rungre-Kutta fourth order with shooting technique, the vertical wavy wall and the governing equations for flow, heat, and mass transfer are transformed to a plane geometry case. The analysis has been carried out for different parametric values of the activation energy, variable viscosity, variable thermal conductivity, radiation, and amplitude of the wavy surface and exhibited graphically. It is found that higher the activation energy/ temperature difference parameter ((), larger the velocities. The temperature diminishes with increasing values of Brownian motion (Nb) and accelerates with increasing values of thermophoresis(Nt). The nano-concentration (C) upsurges with Nb and depreciates with Nt in the boundary layer.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Activation energy thermal conductivity energy and heat sources Variable viscosity.