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Micro-services Transactions Resilience Across Bounded Domains: An Architecture Perspective

by Sreenivasa Rao Vangala, Ravi Kiran Mallidi, V.L. Prasuna Appili
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 45
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Sreenivasa Rao Vangala, Ravi Kiran Mallidi, V.L. Prasuna Appili

Sreenivasa Rao Vangala, Ravi Kiran Mallidi, V.L. Prasuna Appili . Micro-services Transactions Resilience Across Bounded Domains: An Architecture Perspective. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 45 ( Feb 2023), 30-35. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023922557

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In the digital transformation world, applications across industries are getting migrated to Cloud platforms. Off latest buzzword in the digital transformation world is zero touch solution. Also, several industry-specific SaaS-based frameworks are getting released in the market, which is in cloud native. Organizations are adopting buy and use the above-mentioned SaaS products to reduce development time and cost and overcome resource skill crunch. Thereby beat the competition. However, few enterprises and regulatory-specific applications can't be replaced overnight. Hence, enterprises are migrating applications to Cloud native solutions to achieve complete or near-zero digital transformation. The complex nature of business rules requires communication between diversified cloud products, typically called bounded context or domain-driven architecture. The concept of data mesh has come into place to achieve scalable and secured enterprise systems. However, there are no data patterns in the area to take care of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations, i.e., address the CRUD operations failure instances between boundaries. The current work aims to develop architectural concepts for managing CRUD operations failure and achieving transactional resilience in domain-driven architecture.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Microservices Best Practices API Gateway Domain Driven Architecture Bounded Context Digital Transformation Enterprise Architecture Transactional Process Resilience Tran Process (TP) Monitor TP Audit Event Handler.