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An Adaptive Framework for Electronic Litigation in Egypt

by M. Kh. Abd-Elkawe, Mohamed A. Belal, A.M. Abd-Elwahab
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 42
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: M. Kh. Abd-Elkawe, Mohamed A. Belal, A.M. Abd-Elwahab

M. Kh. Abd-Elkawe, Mohamed A. Belal, A.M. Abd-Elwahab . An Adaptive Framework for Electronic Litigation in Egypt. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 42 ( Jan 2023), 18-27. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023922521

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title = { An Adaptive Framework for Electronic Litigation in Egypt },
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%T An Adaptive Framework for Electronic Litigation in Egypt
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Technology has a significant impact on the development of legal services The judicial procedures system, which is constantly evolving to keep pace with the current changes, has shifted from the previous system in which procedures were traditionally performed to a computerized system, and continued to develop into the most efficient and effective electronic court system. Electronic litigation also provides speed accuracy in issuing judgments and ease of access to the lawsuit procedures with ease and ease, in addition to saving time in terms of movement, wages, and so on. This paper deals with a proposal for the general framework of electronic litigation in Egypt, which clarifies the procedures for filing and adjudicating cases through the electronic litigation system. The study concluded that the electronic litigation system should be implemented with the extension of its scope of application to include all litigation procedures. In addition, this paper urges the need to organize these procedures legislatively in line with the general rules and principles of litigation, taking into account the special nature of electronic litigation means.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Electronic Litigation Electronic Court Electronic Government framework for electronic litigation.