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Security System Uses CCTV Camera as Facial Image Recognition using Face-API

by Olga Engelien Melo, Harson Kapoh, Ventje Ferdy Aror, Ali Akbar Ramchie
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 41
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Olga Engelien Melo, Harson Kapoh, Ventje Ferdy Aror, Ali Akbar Ramchie

Olga Engelien Melo, Harson Kapoh, Ventje Ferdy Aror, Ali Akbar Ramchie . Security System Uses CCTV Camera as Facial Image Recognition using Face-API. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 41 ( Dec 2022), 10-14. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922496

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title = { Security System Uses CCTV Camera as Facial Image Recognition using Face-API },
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issue_date = { Dec 2022 },
volume = { 184 },
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%A Olga Engelien Melo
%A Harson Kapoh
%A Ventje Ferdy Aror
%A Ali Akbar Ramchie
%T Security System Uses CCTV Camera as Facial Image Recognition using Face-API
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

Security is a problem that cannot be separated from human life. Whether at home, on the go or at work. Currently, many implementations have been tried for security, especially in accessing a place or room. Several ways to ensure security, especially for people who are not supposed to be in certain places, are to limit the access rights of a person or group of people by giving keys, cards or pins to certain people using various technologies. CCTV cameras or Close Circuit Television can be used to monitor security. However, CCTV for monitoring security is still considered ineffective if there is an intrusion in a room, house, office or certain place because there must be an operator watching. This study aims to produce a system that will be used to recognize someone from their face so that it can be known and verified whether the person is registered and has access rights or is in a certain room and location without having to always be supervised by an operator. The method used is the javaScript module, namely face-api.js in the form of an open source machine learning framework with varying facial recognition test results, especially at distances above 300 cm. The decrease occurs varies, at a distance of 350 cm one face has 60% accuracy, at a distance of 400 cm the accuracy is only 50%. On 2 faces at the same time the accuracy level on the first face is 350 cm the accuracy level is 70% and the second face is 60%, at a distance of 400 cm the accuracy level on the first face is 50% and the second face is 90%.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cctv face detection face recognition face-api