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Design and Build Tools of Tele Monitoring and Controlling Water Chiller System in the Tire Industry with IoT-based

by Andri Widiarto, Wahyu Kusuma Raharja
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Andri Widiarto, Wahyu Kusuma Raharja

Andri Widiarto, Wahyu Kusuma Raharja . Design and Build Tools of Tele Monitoring and Controlling Water Chiller System in the Tire Industry with IoT-based. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 4 ( Mar 2022), 34-41. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022921999

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This research is motivated by phenomenon technology develops in industrial, water chiller system automation in the tire production process should be developed in accordance with industry 4.0, where the system is integrated with internet (IoT) so that can be accessed anywhere and anytime making easier monitoring and control process. The design and control water chiller system has process that must be carried out, namely the manufacture of the water chiller unit, the manufacture control panel, the assembly of hardware and computers and their equipment. The conclusion this study is the tools designed are composed of RTD PT100 sensors, pressure transmitter sensors as input blocks, controllers and chiller units as process blocks, temperature and pressure as output blocks, testing SCADA system, for displaying HMI Client on the Mobile Access menu via smart phone. With the operating system Mobile Access Log On, Main Menu Mobile Access, Main Screen View, Menu Alarm, Process Values, Trend runs smoothly. Based on resistance measurements RTD sensors on the evaporator and condenser, average accuracy of 99.9% is obtained. Based on the PT100 Temperature Sensor Reading Accuracy Test in the monitoring menu, the evaporator has average accuracy of 99.65%, while condenser has an average accuracy of 99.2%.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Tele Monitoring Water Chiller System PT100 Temperature Sensor SCADA IoT