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Service Risk Assessment Learning Management System using ISO 31000:2018/31010

by Sri Hardianti, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Sri Hardianti, Imam Riadi

Sri Hardianti, Imam Riadi . Service Risk Assessment Learning Management System using ISO 31000:2018/31010. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 4 ( Mar 2022), 1-11. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022921993

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Many universities take advantage of the development of information technology to encourage the process of teaching and learning activities. Many models are used and one of them is LMS (Learning Management System). LMS (Learning Management System) is an electronic learning system program that is used to assist the learning process of students studying anywhere and anytime so that students can access material easily. One of them is LMS Ahmad Dahlan University which manages and implements website-based information technology using Moodle. Management cannot be separated from the possibility of risks that can disrupt the system and hinder learning business processes. Risk fixes should be scheduled so that when a breakdown occurs, recommendations can be made from the start and not when a risk occurs. Risk assessment using the 31000:2018 method is used for risk management guidelines which consist of communication and consultation stages, context setting, ISO 31010:2009 which is the standard assessment technique used consists of risk assessment stages (Risk identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation), then the stages after the assessment are risk treatment, risk monitoring and review, risk recording and reporting using ISO 31000:2018 guidelines. Data was collected by filling out an introductory questionnaire and a questionnaire to identify the likelihood and impact of risks and determine stakeholders, RACI, and risk treatment and then validated through interviews with key informants. The results of this study are risk identification documentation that has 29 possible risk variables and risk impacts, and the results of the risk assessment of all variables are at a low level (low) but the risk management criteria are different, namely, 13 risks get a score scale of 1, and 16 risk gets a scale value 2 but at the same level. After being evaluated, the risk assessment can be used as a reference for preventing the handling and maintenance of information technology systems and assets in the future.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


LMS ISO 31000 Risk Management Risk Analysis