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Reseach Article

Breast Cancer Detection using Machine Learning Techniques

by Md. Samiul Islam, Md. Ashikuzzaman, Joy Mojumdar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 39
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Md. Samiul Islam, Md. Ashikuzzaman, Joy Mojumdar

Md. Samiul Islam, Md. Ashikuzzaman, Joy Mojumdar . Breast Cancer Detection using Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 39 ( Dec 2022), 13-19. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922490

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author = { Md. Samiul Islam, Md. Ashikuzzaman, Joy Mojumdar },
title = { Breast Cancer Detection using Machine Learning Techniques },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
issue_date = { Dec 2022 },
volume = { 184 },
number = { 39 },
month = { Dec },
year = { 2022 },
issn = { 0975-8887 },
pages = { 13-19 },
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%A Md. Samiul Islam
%A Md. Ashikuzzaman
%A Joy Mojumdar
%T Breast Cancer Detection using Machine Learning Techniques
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, around 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer, and 685,000 of them died globally. Though, this calculation is terrible to think, there is always a hope for the patients who are able to be diagnosed at the very early stage. Keeping this helpfulness of early diagnosis in mind, there have been proposed a lot of research works in the recent years. And, most of these researches are computer aided. This is the reason, in the recent years, machine learning techniques are getting quite noticed because of their efficiency and reliability. In this paper,6 different machine learning techniques such as Logistic Regression, Decision Tree Classifier, KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors), Random Forest Classifier, SVM (Support Vector Machine), and Gradient Boosting Classifier have been proposed to detect breast cancer.The very popular Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original) Dataset [1] collected from UCI machine learning repository has been used to apply the proposed machine learning techniques. In this research work, 20% of data has been used for testing and the rest 80% of data has been used for training. Decision Tree Classifier outperformed the other techniques giving the highest accuracy of 96.89%. The results of other techniques were quite competitive.

  1. Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original)Dataset collected from UCI machine learning repositorycreated by Dr. William H. Wolberg (physician) at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
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  4. T. Brito-Sarracino, M. Rocha dos Santos, E. Freire Antunes, I. Batista de Andrade Santos, J. Coelho Kasmanas and A. C. Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho, "Explainable Machine Learning for Breast Cancer Diagnosis," 2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2019, pp. 681-686, doi: 10.1109/BRACIS.2019.00124.R. Nicole, “Title of paper with only first word capitalized,” J. Name Stand. Abbrev., in press.
  5. F. Teixeira, J. L. Z. Montenegro, C. A. da Costa and R. da Rosa Righi, "An Analysis of Machine Learning Classifiers in Breast Cancer Diagnosis," 2019 XLV Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 2019, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.1109/CLEI47609.2019.235094.
  6. S. Sharma, A. Aggarwal and T. Choudhury, "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms," 2018 International Conference on Computational Techniques, Electronics and Mechanical Systems (CTEMS), 2018, pp. 114-118, doi: 10.1109/CTEMS.2018.8769187.
  7. S. Laghmati, A. Tmiri and B. Cherradi, "Machine Learning based System for Prediction of Breast Cancer Severity," 2019 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM), 2019, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/WINCOM47513.2019.8942575.
  8. M. Gupta and B. Gupta, "A Comparative Study of Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques," 2018 Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), 2018, pp. 997-1002, doi: 10.1109/ICCMC.2018.8487537.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Machine Learning Logistic Regression Decision Tree Classifier KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) Random Forest Classifier SVM (Support Vector Machine) Gradient Boosting Classifier.