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Reasoning for Template Protection Techniques in Biometric Technology

by Omotosho F.S., Babatunde R.S., Gbolagade K.A.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 38
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Omotosho F.S., Babatunde R.S., Gbolagade K.A.

Omotosho F.S., Babatunde R.S., Gbolagade K.A. . Reasoning for Template Protection Techniques in Biometric Technology. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 38 ( Dec 2022), 45-52. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922518

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Biometrics technology has played a vital role in authentication and securing applications, mobile, smart devices and so on. Despite this widespread deployment of biometric technology, its uses have raised quite a few security and privacy treat. In a typical generic biometric system certain critical points were identified as security threats that can deflate the purpose of its use. One of the points identified is the attack targeted on biometric template, which is disastrous, since biometric traits are permanently bound to an individual, hence, once it is compromised, they cannot be revoked or reissued. It has been established from research that a stolen biometric template can be used by adversaries to break into the system and cross-matching to databases that uses similar biometric trait. This paper presents some techniques/approaches to template protection available in the literature. Finally, it itemized the strength added to the security of biometric technology by each biometric template protection approach. Indeed, researchers are still working tirelessly to improve on the existing techniques to curtail to minimal level the incidence of biometric template compromised.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Authentication Traits Features Template Treat Protection Revoked Reissue Transformed Cryptosystem.