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Tracking of Mangrove Forest in the Coastal of North Sulawesi based on Satellite Image to Support Mangrove Natural Tourism Objects

by Marson James Budiman, Deisy Christina Andih
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 37
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Marson James Budiman, Deisy Christina Andih

Marson James Budiman, Deisy Christina Andih . Tracking of Mangrove Forest in the Coastal of North Sulawesi based on Satellite Image to Support Mangrove Natural Tourism Objects. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 37 ( Nov 2022), 21-24. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922428

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title = { Tracking of Mangrove Forest in the Coastal of North Sulawesi based on Satellite Image to Support Mangrove Natural Tourism Objects },
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issue_date = { Nov 2022 },
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%A Marson James Budiman
%A Deisy Christina Andih
%T Tracking of Mangrove Forest in the Coastal of North Sulawesi based on Satellite Image to Support Mangrove Natural Tourism Objects
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Technology that is increasingly developing and advanced can provide progress in various social, economic, and technological aspects. Currently, the relevant agencies such as the marine and forestry services, the environmental service, which still do not know the existence of mangrove forest in the North Sulawesi area and can also find out the extent of the damaged area in the mangrove forest. North Sulawesi province has 11,456 ha of mangrove forest spread over 13 cities and regencies with various conditions. Utilization of satellite imagery technologies or remote sensing is a solution for finding the location of mangrove forest and the area of mangrove debt damage in North Sulawesi that is not yet known using Landsat Mapbox image data. Therefore, the purpose of making this application is to facilitate the relevant agencies in finding the location of mangrove forests and knowing the extent of damage to the mangrove forest in North Sulawesi. The result of this study are able to display information on the location of mangrove forests and find out the area of mangrove damage that we are looking for in the webgis view. This application uses the NodeJs programming language. Js using the React Js user interface and the database used is PostgreSQL.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Information Systems Mangrove Forest Satellite Image