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Security and Performance Analysis of Chaos-based Image Encryption Schemes

by Abdul-Gabbar T. Al-Tamimi, Bushra Abduh Mohammed Aljafary
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 32
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Abdul-Gabbar T. Al-Tamimi, Bushra Abduh Mohammed Aljafary

Abdul-Gabbar T. Al-Tamimi, Bushra Abduh Mohammed Aljafary . Security and Performance Analysis of Chaos-based Image Encryption Schemes. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 32 ( Oct 2022), 1-20. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922384

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The widespread of images and their massive daily transmission in cyber society have created excess demand for encryption of image assets to guarantee confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Many researchers have applied chaotic encryption methods due to image cryptography’s high efficiency and quality. This paper is an in-depth performance analysis and comparative study on three recent chaos-based image encryption schemes. The three schemes implement the multiple chaotification method, hybrid chaotification method, and hyper chaotification method, with a singleround design to improve the random behaviors. This research evaluates the schemes’ strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, performance, and robustness. In addition, it assesses the schemes’ performance using a common analytical standard to measure their security. It also explores that choosing the appropriate chaotification method with high security and reasonable computational cost in encryption schemes is insufficient to ensure the security and efficiency of encryption schemes. However, the general structure of the scheme is an essential complement and plays a crucial role in the security and efficiency of the encryption system. Finally, this research explores that several statistical tests are insufficient metrics for security analysis measures for detecting weaknesses even though they pass all tests. Statistical tests can only provide a necessary but not sufficient condition, and cryptanalysis is the only proof of cryptographic schemes’ security. These facts highlight the need for principles for designing robust chaotic ciphers.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Chaotic Cryptography Chaotic maps Fridrich