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A Bioparticle Separator based on Dielectrophoretic Integrated with Acoustic Force: Design and Simulation

by Alireza Dehghani, Alireza Kashaniniya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Alireza Dehghani, Alireza Kashaniniya

Alireza Dehghani, Alireza Kashaniniya . A Bioparticle Separator based on Dielectrophoretic Integrated with Acoustic Force: Design and Simulation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 3 ( Jan 2018), 6-11. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018916095

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In this paper, we introduce the application of a microfluidic separator for detection and focusing of two different bio-particles with an integrated method utilizing acoustic and dielectrophoretic (DEP) force. In order to improve separation efficiency, we have integrated two different manipulation techniques. The separator designed and simulated relay on the combination of long-range acoustic waves and short-rang dielectrophoretic forces. The DEP manipulation is generated by an DC or AC non-uniform electronic field, while, acoustic force created using IDTs (Inter Digitated Transducers) patterned on a piezoelectric substrate such as Linbo3 (Lithium Niobate) to generate standing surface acoustic waves. The generated waves move through the PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) microchannel located between two same IDTS. We have two different separation steps. In the first step, particles will face with acoustic force to be focused in midline of the microchannel. In the second step, focused particles, will separated with a non-uniform electric field generated by metric 3D electrodes of Al (Aluminum) mold to the channel wall. These particles will separate and move to the different outlets. First kind of particles have a different manner of the second ones based on differ of their electrical properties. We counted the number of particles in the two different outlets at the end of separating process. Particles numbers showed a well separation efficiency. The method mentioned above is a process that that is enough flexible to utilize in a variety of applications especially in biological purposes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Acoustic force Dielectrophoresis BioMEMS Bioparticle