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Reseach Article

Risk Assessment of Integrated Library System using COBIT 5 Framework

by Nizar Robbani, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 27
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Nizar Robbani, Imam Riadi

Nizar Robbani, Imam Riadi . Risk Assessment of Integrated Library System using COBIT 5 Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 27 ( Sep 2022), 25-36. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922337

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The Integrated Library System (INLIS) at the Office of The Department of Library and Archives of Yogyakarta is an information system used for data processing of library administration. The business process can run well, so risk management is needed. The Department of Library and Archives of Yogyakarta Office requires a risk assessment of the ongoing business process. COBIT 5 is here to answer the challenges of this modern era, especially risk management. The need for a risk assessment to measure how far risk management is applied by elements in The Department of Library and Archives of Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study is to assess the Capability Level (maturity level), calculate the gap value, and provide recommendations by the APO12 (manage risk) and EDM03 (ensure risk optimization) domains.The risk management assessment in this study uses the COBIT 5 framework using the APO12 (manage risk) and EDM03 (ensure risk optimization) process domains which include the stages of data collection, risk analysis, risk profile, articulating risk, risk tolerance value, how to respond to risk, evaluate risk management, and direct risk management. The stages of research carried out in this study have three stages of analysis in research, namely determining the current capability level and the expected level, conducting gap analysis, and providing recommendations and suggestions for improvement. Based on the results of the calculations carried out in this study, the current level capability of the APO12 domain (manage risk) got a value of 2.59 which was at level 2 (managed process) meaning that IT processes in the Information system of The Department of Library and Archives of Yogyakarta has been done, achieved, and managed well. Domain APO12 (manage risk) gets a gap value of 0.31. The level of capability in the EDM03 domain (ensure risk optimization) gets a capability value of 2.70 (managed process) and the results of the calculation of the gap value get a gap value of 0.30 in the EDM03 (ensure risk optimization) domain. The recommendations generated in this study are by the expected goals.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Information Systems Risk Management COBIT 5 Process Capability Level.