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Heuristic Search based Real Time Nearby Parking Suggestion System through IoT

by Santosh Shakya, Vidyapati Jha, Priyanka Tripthi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 27
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Santosh Shakya, Vidyapati Jha, Priyanka Tripthi

Santosh Shakya, Vidyapati Jha, Priyanka Tripthi . Heuristic Search based Real Time Nearby Parking Suggestion System through IoT. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 27 ( Sep 2022), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922161

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title = { Heuristic Search based Real Time Nearby Parking Suggestion System through IoT },
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%A Priyanka Tripthi
%T Heuristic Search based Real Time Nearby Parking Suggestion System through IoT
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Vehicles are essential in our life as well as all over the world. A lot of work in recent era depends on different types of vehicles, such as trucks, cars, taxis, etc. Today’s number of vehicles has increased dramatically, and in-market, vehicle parking is a burning issue in the city areas. The government provides a parking facility and parking space in a suitable location but the problem is how to identify a convenient nearby parking place and reduce time to park the vehicle in a parking slot. A monitoring system is necessary to store all the vehicle information, provide real-time data regarding parking space in a particular area, and send this information to the vehicle driver. In this article, author proposes an parking Slot system (PSS) for parking the vehicle in minimum time along with reduced fuel cost. In addition to, it also provides automated parking slips and save time during entering and exiting from parking station. This system provides the GPS location of empty parking slots with minimum time to fill vacant spaces available in that parking station. Here for achieving this, author used heuristic search based A* algorithm for time analysis system (TAS) then calculating minimum distance to reach that concerned parking station and slot appropriately. Heuristic search work on the principle of previous information for calculating the heuristics function value and this value is used in calculating the minimum distance. This distance and time is stored on cloud where it is analyzed and take appropriate action for sending the information to the vehicle driver.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Parking Vehicle GPS Heuristic