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Digital Rights Management on Video Files using Integration Algorithms AES and RSA Cryptography

by Tuah Rus Ariandy, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 26
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Tuah Rus Ariandy, Imam Riadi

Tuah Rus Ariandy, Imam Riadi . Digital Rights Management on Video Files using Integration Algorithms AES and RSA Cryptography. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 26 ( Aug 2022), 54-60. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922302

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Advances in technology make it easy to distribute, copy, and share digital content. However, digital content such as video files has disadvantages in terms of secure copying and redistribution, making important video files that are still in the production process accessible by anyone. With the support of technology and the widespread use of the internet, digital content has become widely used, especially in video files. As technology develops, it becomes easier to copy, modify, and access video files. To overcome this problem, digital rights management technology needs to be developed. Digital rights management (DRM) is one of the technologies that can be used to secure and restrict access to video files, one of which is using cryptographic algorithms to encrypt video files. This study proposes that video files are encrypted using the integration of AES and RSA algorithms. The AES algorithm is used in the system to encrypt video files, and the RSA 4096-bit algorithm is used to wrap the AES 256-bit secret key. These two cryptographic algorithms are integrated into one system to encrypt video files. In this study, the DRM application developed was successfully implemented in UAD TV studios using the integration of AES and RSA cryptographic algorithms so that mp4 video files produced have access control by encrypting video files using public keys and decrypting them using private keys.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital Rights Management DRM Cryptography AES RSA Video File