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Biometric Voice Recognition system using MFCC and GMM with EM

by Rahul Pudurkar, Shruti Patil, Gazala Ansari, Shaikh Phiroj
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 26
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Rahul Pudurkar, Shruti Patil, Gazala Ansari, Shaikh Phiroj

Rahul Pudurkar, Shruti Patil, Gazala Ansari, Shaikh Phiroj . Biometric Voice Recognition system using MFCC and GMM with EM. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 26 ( Aug 2022), 5-10. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922315

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title = { Biometric Voice Recognition system using MFCC and GMM with EM },
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%A Rahul Pudurkar
%A Shruti Patil
%A Gazala Ansari
%A Shaikh Phiroj
%T Biometric Voice Recognition system using MFCC and GMM with EM
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

The current solutions for passwords that are used for authenticating users can be insecure sometimes and might be hacked easily. Securing data and confidential information is very important in today’s world. Biometric is known as a unique biological characteristic of a human being. Using it as a means for securing devices or certain data, has proved to be very useful in recent times. This paper aims to implement a voice-based login authentication system. The voice biometrics (voiceprint) of the user is taken as an input to help authenticate the individual, along with traditional password pin validation, resulting in two-factor authentication. The system tries to identify not only the features of the voice but also collect the signature words of the user (the words that the user speaks differently, e.g., dialects, pronunciation, etc.) and store them in the database. So, when the user is trying to login into the system, a random sentence will be displayed on the screen with their signature words present along with some random words. When the user speaks the sentence, the real-time voiceprint will be compared with the voiceprint present in the database stored during registration. If both these voiceprints match, the individual will be considered an authentic user and will be given permission to access the system. To avoid any kind of malpractice, random words help the system be more secure for taking real-time voiceprints.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Voice Recognition Signature Words GMM MFCC Voice Activity Detection (VAD).