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Smart Grid Management Modeling using Blockchain and Machine Learning Technologies

by Roberto Alexandre Dias, Rafaela Oliveira De Azevedo, Lucas Moino Armada
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 25
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Roberto Alexandre Dias, Rafaela Oliveira De Azevedo, Lucas Moino Armada

Roberto Alexandre Dias, Rafaela Oliveira De Azevedo, Lucas Moino Armada . Smart Grid Management Modeling using Blockchain and Machine Learning Technologies. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 25 ( Aug 2022), 46-50. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922311

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The present work consists of modeling a system for the maintenance of an infrastructure focused on the generation of electricity integrated into a management system for the sale of energy on the free market. Through this system, companies that provide micro grid generation infrastructure management services will be able to implement virtual power plants by aggregating microgrids implemented in their own or third-party physical spaces. In this way, the service provider will be able to manage the remote maintenance of its assets, aiming at the maintenance of the project specifications, the predictive maintenance of failures and verification of the loss of performance in components of the generation system. The system provides intelligence on contract management in a dynamic way, from data collected as well as computational cloud from consumers and aggregate generating units. Environmental parameters such as insulation, atmospheric and climatological conditions from weather forecast services, available in an open database, can be crossed with information from microgrids for capacity planning, in order to subsidize the sales contract management system of energy on the free market. By implementing the proposed system, it will be possible to define business models to commercially enable the adoption of the system. An example would be the model in which energy consumers act as service subscribers. In this way, the remuneration to the service provider can be made through a monthly fee or a portion of the energy generated in surplus. Acting in an aggregated way, the service provider will be able to carry out the best negotiation possible on the free market. Another example of a business model could be the remuneration of the owner of leased areas for the installation of energy generation microgrids, or power plants on land owned by the service provider.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Smart networks Demand side management Virtual Power Plant Energy Market Internet of Things Predictive Maintenance