International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 184 - Number 25 |
Year of Publication: 2022 |
Authors: Mega Oktaviani Fadillah, Imam Riadi |
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Mega Oktaviani Fadillah, Imam Riadi . Risk Management Analysis of Student Activity System Services using COBIT 5 Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 25 ( Aug 2022), 1-9. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922298
The development of Information Technology (IT) plays an important role in the company's operations and business processes. IT has an important role in the continuity of business operations and contributes significantly to various fundamental changes to the organization’s structure, operations, and management. Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta is a university in Indonesia that has implemented an information system for services. The Student Activity Information System (SKK) is one of the information systems that has long been implemented by BIMAWA (Student and Alumni Bureau) to provide services for students who will take care of SKPI (Certificate of Diploma Companion). In its business processes, this service still has various risks from information system infrastructure, even from humans and nature. The COBIT 5 framework with the APO12 (Manage Risk) domain was used in this study to analyze risk management on such services. There are three stages of analysis in the research conducted, namely Current Capability Level analysis, Expected Capability Level analysis, and GAP analysis. The Capability Level assessment is carried out by collecting data using observation methods, interviews in person, and questionnaires that will be calculated using the Guttman Scale. The results showed that the Current Capability Level value for the APO12 (Manage Risk) domain was 2.60, which means that the risk management of SKK Services is at level 2 (Managed Process). The Expected Capability Level targeted by BIMAWA is at level 3, so the gap value obtained is 0.40.Recommendations are given to be used as guidelines in implementing SKK Services in BIMAWA.