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Analysis Risk Assessment on Hospital Management Information System using Octave Allegro Framework

by Arinda Diahapsari, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Arinda Diahapsari, Imam Riadi

Arinda Diahapsari, Imam Riadi . Analysis Risk Assessment on Hospital Management Information System using Octave Allegro Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 24 ( Aug 2022), 27-34. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922286

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Hospital Management Information Systems (SIMRS) is an information system that supports the service process in hospital both in terms of coordination, reporting, and administrative procedures. However, in the Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) it is necessary to carry out a risk assessment to find out what threats can occur, in this research case study a risk assessment was carried out using the framework OCTAVE AllegroThe application of the OCTAVE Allegro method is carried out in agencies that already have and apply information technology. The OCTAVE Allegro method has eight steps which are divided into four phases, namely the phase of determining criteria, the asset profile phase, the threat identification phase, and the risk identification and mitigation phase. The steps in the OCTAVE Allegro method include determining risk measurement criteria, creating an information asset profile, identifying information asset containers, identifying the scope of concern, analyzing threat scenarios, identifying risks, analyzing risks, and taking a mitigation approach. Based on the results of the research on the Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) after taking interview data and observing the risk assessment obtained from a private hospital in Yogyakarta, the results of the mitigated were 4 and accept 3 with a relatively high-risk value found in the Technical Container with a value of 18, which is due to a disruption in the service system caused by a down server, causing all service activities at the hospital to be disrupted or even stopped. The recommendation for this risk threat is to increase the capacity of web hosting or it can also be done by IP filtering several illegal IPs that enter the system and performing maintenance, monitoring, and control.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


SIMRS Risk assessment Octave Allegro Mitigation