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Smart Alert System for Driver’s Drowsiness Detection System

by Sharath Kumar A.J., Sanjana P., Sanjay N., Sanjay K.Y., Shreya U. Kodgi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Sharath Kumar A.J., Sanjana P., Sanjay N., Sanjay K.Y., Shreya U. Kodgi

Sharath Kumar A.J., Sanjana P., Sanjay N., Sanjay K.Y., Shreya U. Kodgi . Smart Alert System for Driver’s Drowsiness Detection System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 24 ( Aug 2022), 21-26. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922282

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%A Shreya U. Kodgi
%T Smart Alert System for Driver’s Drowsiness Detection System
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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In recent years, the detection of a sleepy driver has become a necessary procedure in order to prevent any roadaccidents, possibly globally. This project’s purpose is to develop a comprehensive warning system for intelligent cars that can automatically prevent damage caused by a tired driver from occurring. The human body is capable of drowsiness, and it occurs for a variety of causes. In order to avoid the cause of the accident, it is vital to create a powerful warning system.Video Stream Processing (VSP) is used in this study to construct a drowsy driver warning system that uses the EAR and Euclidean distance to evaluate video streams in the blink of an eye. Adoption of a facial recognition algorithm can be detected visually as well. Any time the IoT module detects driver fatigue, a warning message is sent out, along with information on the conflicting impact of local knowledge.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IoT module Cloud Server EAR Raspberry pi sensors GSM module GPS module Blink count Image processing.