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Fault-tolerant Multi-path Routing with Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization in MANET

by Sabah Naaz, Rajeev Paulus, Mukesh Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Sabah Naaz, Rajeev Paulus, Mukesh Kumar

Sabah Naaz, Rajeev Paulus, Mukesh Kumar . Fault-tolerant Multi-path Routing with Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization in MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 22 ( Jul 2022), 36-41. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922265

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title = { Fault-tolerant Multi-path Routing with Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization in MANET },
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%A Sabah Naaz
%A Rajeev Paulus
%A Mukesh Kumar
%T Fault-tolerant Multi-path Routing with Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization in MANET
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A MANET is a collection of self-contained mobile nodes which act as a network without the usage of a specialized platform.. Because of the battery-operated sensor nodes, each node carries less energy. Several routing strategies have been devised; however all of them have energy difficulties. Due to isolated grouping and a limited model, MANET is unable to prevent the problem. Various solutions are used to deal with various MANET failures; however it has been plagued by energy problems. As a result, a fault tolerant multipath routing technique known as the extended PSO algorithm was designed to address these concerns. The goal is to propose a fault tolerant multipath data transmission mechanism in MANET that is optimized. The created model included three stages: fault injection, Cluster Head selection and multipath routing. MANET nodes were first simulated. The fault injection phase is then sent into the simulated MANET nodes. The fault injection is carried out in accordance with the fault model on the nodes. The LEACH technique is then used to pick the optimal CH for energy optimization during the CH selection phase. Following that, multipath routing is performed using the Enhanced PSO algorithm to enhance the routing process and select numerous paths. Simulation part is done using NS3 simulation software.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MANET Multipath routing Fault tolerance Cluster head selection Energy