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Reseach Article

Improvement CBIR Performance of Region-based Segmentation on DCT Images

by Suhendro Y. Irianto, Sri Karnila, Dona Yuliawati
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Suhendro Y. Irianto, Sri Karnila, Dona Yuliawati

Suhendro Y. Irianto, Sri Karnila, Dona Yuliawati . Improvement CBIR Performance of Region-based Segmentation on DCT Images. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 20 ( Jul 2022), 24-29. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922220

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title = { Improvement CBIR Performance of Region-based Segmentation on DCT Images },
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issue_date = { Jul 2022 },
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pages = { 24-29 },
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%A Suhendro Y. Irianto
%A Sri Karnila
%A Dona Yuliawati
%T Improvement CBIR Performance of Region-based Segmentation on DCT Images
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

In In this paper, we tried to discover the JPEG image which is presently an worldwide normal for pictures on the internet. Furthermost of the images presently on the storage media used regularly or on the net are in JPEG format. This JPEG format has some benefits compared to others, one of the benefit of JPEG is the size compared to others non JPEG data or information, so JPEG has an significant role in saving capacity much quality of the image. We used more than 50,000 natural images collected from the internet and other sources. Even though JPEG image has some advantages compared to others format, some researches still continue to find methos to improve CBIR performance on images, particularly on natural images. This is a reason why our research was carried out, in this work we applied region-based segmentation to improve the performance of image searching , both accurately and effectivity. We applied histogram based segmentation on natural images before deploying content based image retrieval. The evidence seems to indicate that the split and merge segmentation on JPEG image for image retrieval demonstrates a higher precision than on RGB images Even though the precision is not radically different, the Split and Merge approach can be used as an alternative technique to improve the effectiveness of image retrieval, particularly for DCT based images. Statistically, it also can be concluded that if the number of regions generated during segmentation is high, the precision tends to be higher. In the near future this trend could be considered for larger database with greater varieties of image category in order to get more accurate results.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Keywords: CBIR region segmentation DCT JPEG