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Sentiment Analysis of Text Incorporating Emojis: A Machine Learning Approach

by Mona M. Abd Elsalam, Ahmed M. Gadallah, Hesham A. Hefny
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Mona M. Abd Elsalam, Ahmed M. Gadallah, Hesham A. Hefny

Mona M. Abd Elsalam, Ahmed M. Gadallah, Hesham A. Hefny . Sentiment Analysis of Text Incorporating Emojis: A Machine Learning Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 20 ( Jul 2022), 10-18. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922216

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title = { Sentiment Analysis of Text Incorporating Emojis: A Machine Learning Approach },
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%A Hesham A. Hefny
%T Sentiment Analysis of Text Incorporating Emojis: A Machine Learning Approach
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Nowadays, people use emojis in their text to communicate their sentiments or summarize their words. Prior artificial intelligence (AI) strategies only included the order of text, emoticons, pictures, or emoticons with text have always been disregarded, resulting in a slew of feelings being overlooked. This study proposed a calculation and technique for opinion investigation using both text and emoticon. Awell-known sentiment analysis algorithms were inspected, including rule-based and classification algorithms, to assess the effect of enhancing emoticons as extra elements to further develop the algorithm performance. Emoticons were likewise converted into relating sentiment words when con-structing features for correlation with those straightforwardly created from emoticon name words. Furthermore, considering various elements of emoticons in texts, all posts were classified in the dataset by their emoticon use and inspected the progressions in algorithm performance. Here, two methods of information were examined in joined mode with AI calculation for observing feelings from the Twitter-based Covid-19 dataset using a few highlights. Several classification techniques are used which are Random Forest, Supported Vector Machine, Gradient Boosting, K-Neighbors and Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). This study demonstrates that whenever emoticons are used, their related feeling rules the opinion passed on by text-based information investigation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Sentiment Analysis (SA) Machine Learning (ML) Data Analysis Emojis LDA