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A New Framework to Enhance Carpooling Service Profitability

by Nada Khalid Mohamed, Laila Abdelhamid, Atef Zaki Ghalwash
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Nada Khalid Mohamed, Laila Abdelhamid, Atef Zaki Ghalwash

Nada Khalid Mohamed, Laila Abdelhamid, Atef Zaki Ghalwash . A New Framework to Enhance Carpooling Service Profitability. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 18 ( Jun 2022), 23-29. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922190

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%T A New Framework to Enhance Carpooling Service Profitability
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Carpooling or ride-sharing systems are considered to be an economical efficient method to solve many traffic problems. Carpooling allows drivers to share their journeys with other passengers. This reduces passenger fares and travel time, in addition to traffic congestion, while also increasing driver income. So, several carpooling systems have been introduced in recent years. This research proposed a ridesharing analysis framework to find the shortest route between any two carpooling system nodes. Also, to represent how the matching process between passengers and drivers can be performed in an economical and efficient method to study the profitability for passenger/s and driver/s. The framework was applied to real carsharing test data and the recorded results showed a 40% saving for passengers and a high level of added revenue for drivers compared to the existing systems in the market.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Carpooling ride-sharing network analysis shortest path algorithms ride-hailing