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Reseach Article

VANET Architecture Analysis and Protocols

by Ru Zhou
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Ru Zhou

Ru Zhou . VANET Architecture Analysis and Protocols. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 13 ( May 2022), 44-54. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922129

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This paper provides an overview study and analysis of the communication environment and architecture for vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET). First, the architecture and recent development [12][13][14] in the PHY/MAC layer from two different standards (DSRC 802.11bd, C-V2X NR-V2X)has been discussed. Thenthe observation of the trends of similar technology selection is discussion in detail by comparing the most recent evolution of these two standards. On network and application layer, the characteristics of ad-hoc routing protocols [3][20] are introduced, analyzed and compared to the application environment of VANET. Majority of these routing protocols can be categorized into three classes: table-driven, on-demand and location-based. However,considering the nature of VANET, only on-demand and location-based routing strategies are considered due to their nature on on-demand and positioning enhancement. From all the analysis, this paper at the end provides a vision for the horizontal convergence of different technology and vertical convergence of network layer protocol stack co-design in the VANET architecture. The possibility of incorporating artificial intelligence into routing strategies in application layer is also explored and discussed. This paper also introduced some optimization methods such as broadcast storm mitigation [4] techniques as an example of network layer protocol stack co-design, and considered as part of the optimal solution to the futureVANET architecture in a holistic view.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


VANET DSRC V2X AODV Sidelink Broadcast Storm RoutingProtocol Cross Layer Optimization PHY/MAC Technology Convergence Network Layers Convergence