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A Modified Version of Canny Filter Applied to Identify Oxidation Points in Steel Plate

by Antonio Eduardo Assis Amorim, Líria Baptista De Rezende, Suzana De Almeida Prado Pohl Sanzovo
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 184 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Antonio Eduardo Assis Amorim, Líria Baptista De Rezende, Suzana De Almeida Prado Pohl Sanzovo

Antonio Eduardo Assis Amorim, Líria Baptista De Rezende, Suzana De Almeida Prado Pohl Sanzovo . A Modified Version of Canny Filter Applied to Identify Oxidation Points in Steel Plate. International Journal of Computer Applications. 184, 11 ( May 2022), 45-52. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022922091

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title = { A Modified Version of Canny Filter Applied to Identify Oxidation Points in Steel Plate },
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%A Antonio Eduardo Assis Amorim
%A Líria Baptista De Rezende
%A Suzana De Almeida Prado Pohl Sanzovo
%T A Modified Version of Canny Filter Applied to Identify Oxidation Points in Steel Plate
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
%@ 0975-8887
%V 184
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%P 45-52
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

Steel plates are present in submerged vessels or civil structures and usually they are in aggressive environments which can initially cause an oxidation process leading to corrosion, which can compromise their physical integrity. Periodically they undergo surveys and depending on the depth or complexity of the structure, these operations are complex and costly. The use of cameras embedded in robotic vehicles allows the use of digital image processing techniques. Oxidation has a peculiar tint which allows the use of edge detection filters. Canny filter has two input parameters, standard deviation and the thresholds that affect the identification of the edges. The purpose in this study is to choose entropy and the threshold of the image and use them as input parameters in the Canny filter to identify the oxidation points. Two images are used, one of them of a piece in which the normalized histogram focuses on dark tones and the other that has a normalized histogram concentrated in light shades. The parameter sigma is a polynomial function of entropy and threshold while the factor is an exponential function of entropy. It is analyzed the situation for both images, one is of a small piece of steel and the other one of a large piece of a ship in RGB and HSV components. Applied to both situations, it is observed that the code can identify the oxidation points of the plate in both light and dark normalized histograms. The results are promising, showing that the filter has a good behavior.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Canny filter Edge detection Oxidation Entropy Image components.