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Implementation of Attendance System using Face Recognition and PCA

by Sonali Patil, Avdhoot Gaikwad, Chetana Baviskar, Shrawani Bartakke, Shubham Kulkarni
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 50
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Sonali Patil, Avdhoot Gaikwad, Chetana Baviskar, Shrawani Bartakke, Shubham Kulkarni

Sonali Patil, Avdhoot Gaikwad, Chetana Baviskar, Shrawani Bartakke, Shubham Kulkarni . Implementation of Attendance System using Face Recognition and PCA. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 50 ( Feb 2022), 54-57. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022921911

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The prototype of an automated Online Biometric-enabled Class Attendance Register System is presented in this study (OBCARS). The technology is being planned and developed to address the problem of lost and/or shredded attendance record paper sheets in higher education classrooms. The system also seeks to provide a reliable and efficient class attendance tracking system that prevents students from imitating attendance markers and streamlines the calculation of students' attendance records. Both pragmatic biometric behaviourin contrast to previously poised data for a focus and an open-mindedness of computation are included in biometric appreciation. Estimated identical is required because to variances in biological features and deeds both within and among humans. It determines a student's attendance by their attendance in class. The technology willrecognize the student's face and save the response to the database automatically.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Face Recognition Attendance System Python Open CV PCA Deep Learning Image Processing Database.