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Reseach Article

Analysis of Risk Assessment on Electronic Services using OCTAVE Allegro Framework

by Eka Anggraini, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Eka Anggraini, Imam Riadi

Eka Anggraini, Imam Riadi . Analysis of Risk Assessment on Electronic Services using OCTAVE Allegro Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 5 ( May 2021), 26-32. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921273

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Awareness of the importance of information system security and its assets and impacts what might happen as a result of damage to the information system and its assets still seems to have not received the attention of most organizations. LIPI BPTBA correspondence services are managed using an information system that can manage correspondence services in the organization. This system is called TNDE (Electronic Service Manuscript Administration). TNDE allows for risks that can interfere with information assets and the main objectives of the organization but cannot be separated from problems so that it creates risks to security and information assets. This study aims to analyze risk management assessments using the framework Octave Allegro that organizations can determine risk priorities and create a mitigation approach to risks that may occur in TNDE services. Octave Allegro has four phases and eight stages, namely building risk measurement criteria, developing information asset profiles, identifying containers information asset, identifying areas of concern on aspects technical, physical, and people container, identifying threat scenarios, identifying risks, analyzing risks, and choosing an approach. Mitigate the risks that may occur. Based on the final results of interviews and risk assessments that have been carried out at the TNDE BPTBA LIPI Yogyakarta service, the results of the approach mitigate are 2, defer is 3, and accept is 2. The highest risk that needs to be prioritized is from the aspect physical container with a value of 32, while the smallest risk is a technical container with a value of 15. Thus this research that has been carried out can provide benefits for BPTPA LIPI Yogyakarta.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Risk Assessment OCTAVE Allegro Mitigation.