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Reseach Article

Survey in Novelty Search

by Mahmoud Mohamed Nabil, Magdy Zakaria
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 46
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Mahmoud Mohamed Nabil, Magdy Zakaria

Mahmoud Mohamed Nabil, Magdy Zakaria . Survey in Novelty Search. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 46 ( Jan 2022), 18-22. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022921862

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Novelty Search is an algorithm for discovering new things that is motivated by a behavior's novelty. Different generations from the same individual have varying levels of fitness. As a result, the fitness scene is always shifting, and while at the size of a single generation, the euphemism of a fitness landscape with peaks and valleys still remains true, it no longer holds true when seen from the perspective of the entire evolutionary process. What are the characteristics of these algorithms? Is it possible to define a model that will aid in understanding how it functions? This knowledge is necessary for analyzing new Novelty Search versions and current Novelty Search versions, perhaps more effective ones. We claim that in the behaviour space, Novelty Search behaves asymptotically as a uniform random search process. This is an intriguing feature because it's not practical to sample this area directly. The genotype space is only accessible to the algorithm directly, which has a complicated interaction with the behaviour space. On a classic Novelty Search experiment, we discuss the model and put it through its paces. We also show that it puts new light on previous study findings and suggests new research directions.

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