International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 183 - Number 42 |
Year of Publication: 2021 |
Authors: Regina Fitria, Imam Riadi |
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Regina Fitria, Imam Riadi . Mobile Forensic of Facebook Messenger on Cyber Fraud Case using National Institute of Standard Technology Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 42 ( Dec 2021), 43-49. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921825
In Indonesia, Facebook messenger users are growing rapidly, especially on mobile devices, this development brings positive and negative impacts. The most common impact at this time is crimes committed in cyberspace, one of which is online buying and selling fraud. Facebook messenger is one of the instant messaging applications with the largest number of users, so there are opportunities for cybercrime. To obtain digital evidence, this research uses the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) stages. The research was conducted using a mobile-based Facebook messenger application with a conversation scenario created by the author. The study was conducted to restore deleted conversations, the steps used in this study were collection, examination, analysis and reporting. This study also uses two smartphones in the condition that one smartphone is rooted and the second smartphone is not rooted, both smartphones are used as evidence. The acquisition process uses several forensic software including MOBILedit Forensic Express, Systool SQLite and AccessData FTK imager. Digital evidence obtained using the MOBILedit Forensic Express tools is 75%, then Systool SQLite tools are 67% and AccessData FTK imager tools are 67%. The results obtained from this research are conversations that have been deleted and user accounts on smartphones that are rooted while in unrooted smartphones don't get digital proof.