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Reseach Article

Network Forensic on Distributed Denial of Service Attacks using National Institute of Standards and Technology Method

by Arifaleo Nurdin, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 40
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Arifaleo Nurdin, Imam Riadi

Arifaleo Nurdin, Imam Riadi . Network Forensic on Distributed Denial of Service Attacks using National Institute of Standards and Technology Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 40 ( Dec 2021), 39-47. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921799

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Router hardware is a network device that can be used to connect multiple networks, either the same network or different networks. One of the attacks that can be carried out on a router is a Distributed Denial of Service attack, an attack that is carried out by consuming available resources, this can make the function of a computer or server not run properly and can make it difficult for other parties. to gain access to services from the attacked computer. The mechanism that can be used is a network forensic mechanism as evidence that can later ensnare criminals. The object of this research is a router network device. The data collection method used is literature study and simulation of DDoS attacks on routers. The research process was carried out using the National Institute of Standards and Technology method. NIST methods include Collection, Examination, Analysis, and Reporting. The system used is the Intrusion Detection System using Snort as a detection sensor, using the Basic Analysis System Engine application, and analyzing attack log files to obtain digital evidence. The results of the study prove that the detection system built using snort 100% can detect DDoS attacks on routers, based on the analysis process, DDoS attacks can make the CPU Load on the router increase up to 100% and the capacity of Free Memory before the attack of 40.0 MB is reduced to 37, 6 MB in no time. The attack information found in the form of attack time information, the source of the attack, the purpose of the attack, what attack was carried out, and the number of attack packets sent, this information can be used as evidence that there is a DDoS attack on the router network device.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DDoS IDS Network Forensics NIST Snort.