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Forensic Mobile on IMO Messenger Services for Drug Trafficking using National Institute of Standard Technology Method

by Whuty Meidilla Vadice, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 40
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Whuty Meidilla Vadice, Imam Riadi

Whuty Meidilla Vadice, Imam Riadi . Forensic Mobile on IMO Messenger Services for Drug Trafficking using National Institute of Standard Technology Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 40 ( Dec 2021), 22-29. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921793

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Information technology is currently developing very rapidly in the community. With the development of information technology, there are many positive or negative impacts from the use of technology. The IMO application provides data transmission in real-time over the internet, allowing users to send group chat text messages, share photos, videos, and audio calls. Criminals also use the Instantapplication Messenger for activities illegal such as activity hacker, fraud, drug trafficking, and crimes cyber other.This study was conducted to obtain digital evidence to reveal a criminal case of narcotics transactions that occurred in the IMO application Messenger using the stages National Institute of Standards and Technology (namely, collection, examination, analysis, and reporting. The data collection process uses the data acquisition technique DD Command that runs on the santoku Linux system. Autopsy and FTK Imager tools are used to extract physical images from the data acquisition technique DD Command. The results of data acquisition obtained from the Autopsy tool are exported in CSV format, to make it easier to read the file using a simple program created, namely CSV Reader.Based on the results of the study using the DD Command acquisition technique running on the santoku Linux system, it is possible to find the folder structure and its contents in the IMO application Messenger. Calculation of the percentage of index numbers from evidence obtained on smartphones using Autopsy tools is 100% and FTKImager there is 20% and 80% is not found in the evidence of information data in images, audio, call logs, and contacts.The Autopsy tool, which is used to extract physical images from the DD Command, can find deleted chats, images, and audio that can be used as information to help uncover crime cases on social media, while the FTKtool Imager can only find the text of the perpetrator's conversation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Forensics Mobile IMO Messenger Cybercrime NIST