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Reseach Article

Study Investigation of the Internet of Vehicle (IoV) Security

by Emmanuel O. Akingboye, Thaier Hamid
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 39
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Emmanuel O. Akingboye, Thaier Hamid

Emmanuel O. Akingboye, Thaier Hamid . Study Investigation of the Internet of Vehicle (IoV) Security. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 39 ( Nov 2021), 16-21. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921738

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Cybersecurity is the protection of the things connected to the Internet in one way or the other with a lot of things and millions of connections involved, the Internet connection becomes the target for hackers to compromise the Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability of the networks involved, and even compromise the connected devices. The Internet of vehicle security becomes even more fragile.This paper is to discuss the IoV in general, the security challenges facing theInternet of vehicles users’, create more awareness of the Internet of vehicle security, and lastly provide a security mitigation recommendation for the Internet of vehicle users. Furthermore, the academic research analysis to be generated from this research paper will further help other researchers to establish or add their research analysis to the result findings of the above research topic for the general safety of the Internet of vehicle users, also to reduce the gap between cybersecurity and the Internet of vehicle (IoV) technology.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IoV Security