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Smart Urban Parking Solution in Sri Lanka

by M.D.S.M. Antany, M.R.M. Aadil, L.V. Ferreira, Priyankara A.D.D., M.G.N.M. Pemadasa, Thamali Dassanayake
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 38
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: M.D.S.M. Antany, M.R.M. Aadil, L.V. Ferreira, Priyankara A.D.D., M.G.N.M. Pemadasa, Thamali Dassanayake

M.D.S.M. Antany, M.R.M. Aadil, L.V. Ferreira, Priyankara A.D.D., M.G.N.M. Pemadasa, Thamali Dassanayake . Smart Urban Parking Solution in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 38 ( Nov 2021), 26-32. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921782

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%A M.G.N.M. Pemadasa
%A Thamali Dassanayake
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A sustainable, feasible, and affordable mobile application solution to automate the vehicle parking of a driver with features like finding available parking slots, finding the nearest parking area, and navigating to the available parking slot inside a parking area would be beneficial for the drivers since it would save valuable time and money and for the owners, owners would allow utilizing their limited spaces in urban areas to the maximum efficiency increasing their profit rate and saving environmental pollution by limiting the toxic gases produced to the environment. 'Pay as You Park' Smart Parking Solution empowers its users to use above mentioned advantages with its mobile application for drivers and, a web application for car park owners. The main uniqueness is that instead of traditional hourly charged parking fees, introduced system charges only for the exact time been parked. This system uses on-premises CCTV cameras to identify the availability of parking spaces and it allows anyone with a space to park a vehicle to register with the system and contribute the space to the system while earning extra money once the system validated proper conditions of a parking area. With the current growth of the number of vehicles on Sri Lankan roads, traffic has become a huge problem. 'Pay as You Park' Smart Parking Solution saves the time of the user since it enables the user to skip the time-intensive process of finding the perfect parking slot for their vehicle with the use of a Machine Learning-based algorithm which is used to find the suitable parking slot for a particular vehicle.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ToA - Time of Arrival TDoA-Time Difference of Arrival SVM - Support Vector Machine GPS - Global Positioning System