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A Hybrid of two Homomorphic Encryption Schemes for Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Data

by Arnold Mashud Abukari, Edem Kwedzo Bankas, Mohammed Muniru Iddrisu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 38
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Arnold Mashud Abukari, Edem Kwedzo Bankas, Mohammed Muniru Iddrisu

Arnold Mashud Abukari, Edem Kwedzo Bankas, Mohammed Muniru Iddrisu . A Hybrid of two Homomorphic Encryption Schemes for Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Data. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 38 ( Nov 2021), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921789

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title = { A Hybrid of two Homomorphic Encryption Schemes for Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Data },
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%A Arnold Mashud Abukari
%A Edem Kwedzo Bankas
%A Mohammed Muniru Iddrisu
%T A Hybrid of two Homomorphic Encryption Schemes for Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Data
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Data confidentiality and privacy has been one of the major challenges in cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) deployment. There are different techniques to help provide enhanced security and data confidentiality. In this paper, a hybrid of two different Homomorphic encryption schemes is proposed to further enhance security and data confidentiality of ERP data. The Paillier and RSA Cryptosystems are modified and applied to form a two-layer encryption scheme. A successful implementation of the proposed hybrid of two homomorphic encryption scheme without sharing keys with the cloud is realised. The security of the Cloud ERP Data is enhanced by the modification of the Paillier Cryptosystem with the introduction of a new parameter gf to the Paillier Cryptosystem. The scheme also introduced a random parameter rg to help generate the value of gf . The simulation results reveals that the proposed scheme achieved improvement in the encryption time, decryption time and better throughput when compared with other schemes. The proposed scheme achieved six (6) percent improvement on encryption time,about thirty-two (32) percent improvement in decryption time as well as seven (7) percent improvement on throughput.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Proxy Re-encryption Double-layer Encryption Cloud ERP Cloud Computing Paillier Cryptosystem RSA Cryptosystem Cryptosystem