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Temperature and Water Level Monitoring System at the Entry of Electronic Engineering Laboratory

by Yoice R. Putung, Josephin Sundah, Sukandar Sawidin, Ventje F. Aror
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 36
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Yoice R. Putung, Josephin Sundah, Sukandar Sawidin, Ventje F. Aror

Yoice R. Putung, Josephin Sundah, Sukandar Sawidin, Ventje F. Aror . Temperature and Water Level Monitoring System at the Entry of Electronic Engineering Laboratory. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 36 ( Nov 2021), 33-39. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921748

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During this Covid-19 pandemic, devices for detecting human body temperature and hand washing water are very important so that we can avoid the spread of Covid-19. This study aims to make a Body Temperature Monitoring System and Water Level in the form of a prototype. Using the JSN-SR04T (Ultrasonic Distance Waterproof) Sensor to measure the water level and the MILX90614 Sensor (Non-Contact Temperature Sensor) with the Arduino Uno controller. Information from the height of the water level in the tank and the temperature of the human body can be monitored via the LCD. The method used is the Prototype Design Method starting at the stage of literature study and data collection. The software and hardware design was continued for the need for measuring the water level and temperature. Next is the stage of making the control system on the prototype, then the testing stage. The test results If the water level level is High, the water level indicator is Green, the water level is Medium, the water level indicator is Yellow and when the water level is Low the indicator is a Red led light. informs that the water in the tank must be filled. If the temperature of the human body is < 370C LCD display Temperature is normal, but if the temperature>= 370C LCD display Check to a doctor because there is a risk of contracting Covid 19.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Arduino Uno LCD Sensor JSN-SR04T and MILX90614