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COVID−19 Detection using Deep Learning and Ultrasound Imaging

by J.P. Gaidhani, Harshada Gunjal, Sayli Waghmare, Akanksha Gatkal, Gauri Kabra
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 32
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: J.P. Gaidhani, Harshada Gunjal, Sayli Waghmare, Akanksha Gatkal, Gauri Kabra

J.P. Gaidhani, Harshada Gunjal, Sayli Waghmare, Akanksha Gatkal, Gauri Kabra . COVID−19 Detection using Deep Learning and Ultrasound Imaging. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 32 ( Oct 2021), 18-22. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921709

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%A Harshada Gunjal
%A Sayli Waghmare
%A Akanksha Gatkal
%A Gauri Kabra
%T COVID−19 Detection using Deep Learning and Ultrasound Imaging
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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There has been a rapid increase in growth of Covid-19 which has left a problem of efficient diagnosis and cheap diagnosis of Covid-19 patients. Using medical imaging techniques Like CT and X-ray combined with Deep learning are proving to be quite effective in the Diagnostic process. CT scans are widely used for the diagnostics they have been proven to be fast and have shown promising results and are sensitive even when the PCR test fails. But there are some flaws with CT scans like they are hard to sterilize, expensive and they are highly radiating. In this paper we have used ultrasound imaging technique which is cheaper, easy to use, fast and safe. We have Gathered Data set from various Sources of around 1000 images which consist of healthy lungs, Covid affected lungs and bacterial Pneumonia Affected Lungs. This has been assembled from various data sources which have been processed for deep learning Models and are open access. We have trained a deep learning model which hasa accuracy.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Deep neural network deep learning COVID-19 CNN PCR CT-Scan Patient Mobilization