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Forensic Browser on Line Messenger Services for Handling Cyberfraud using National Institute of Standard Technology Method

by Mifthahul Jannah, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 30
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Mifthahul Jannah, Imam Riadi

Mifthahul Jannah, Imam Riadi . Forensic Browser on Line Messenger Services for Handling Cyberfraud using National Institute of Standard Technology Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 30 ( Oct 2021), 9-16. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921682

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Advances in information and communication technology play an important role in everyday life which is useful for interacting with one another. each other and make it easier for humans to do some work. Line Messenger is an online chat application that sends a text message in real-time, in addition to text messages, other features of the Line messenger application are audio files, videos, and also photos or images using the internet network with the number of users reaching 217 million in 2016. Cyberfraud is a new type of fraud that uses modern cyber information technology, and its essence is still a fraud crime. This study will use a scenario about the Cyberfraud case from a conversation using an instant messenger application, namely Line which runs on the Chrome web browser using the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) stages. This study uses several forensic tools in finding the digital evidence needed including namely FTK Imager, Belkasoft, Browser History Capturer, Browser History Viewer, and Browser History Examination. Digital evidence found in Belkasoft and FTK Imager was 60% with digital evidence of conversation text, Email, and account ID. In Browser History Capturer andBrowser History Viewer as much 40% with digital evidence Photos and Links. Furthermore on Browser History Capturer and Browser History Examiner tools as much as 40% with digital evidence in the form of Links and Cached Web.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cyberfraud Line Messenger NIST Forensics Browser