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Forensic Mobile against Threat WhatsApp Services using National Institute of Standards Technology Method

by Devi Anzali Putri, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 30
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Devi Anzali Putri, Imam Riadi

Devi Anzali Putri, Imam Riadi . Forensic Mobile against Threat WhatsApp Services using National Institute of Standards Technology Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 30 ( Oct 2021), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921681

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Information technology is growing rapidly every year, one of which is social media. The most popular and used social media in the category of communication (Chat) is WhatsApp. WhatsApp provides many features and conveniences, the more convenience WhatsApp gets, the more crimes that occur, one of which is threatening crimes.This research was conducted by creating conversation scenarios containing threats carried out through the-based WhatsApp application mobile. The research aims to restore evidence of conversations containing threats that have been deleted by applying the forensic stages of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) by carrying out four stages, namely collection, examination, analysis and reporting. This study uses two smartphones that have installed the WhatsApp application with rooted and not rooted conditions to compare the findings of the evidence that has been obtained. The process of searching for digital evidence uses three tools forensic, namely MOBILedit Forensic Express, SysTools SQLite Viewer and WhatsApp Viewer. The findings of digital evidence in this study are by the desired scenario and objectives. On a Smartphone rooted, they managed to get 100% conversation data, 67% of the time messages were sent or received, 33% of user information and contact findings Smartphone 67% of. Whereas on a smartphone that is not rooted, it does not manage to get any digital evidence.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Forensics WhatsApp Smartphones Threats NIST.