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A Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Image Resize (Resolution) Level using Cross-Layering in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

by Mohammed Ameen A. Abdo, Ala Eldin Abdallah Awouda, Yousif Elfatih Yousif
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Mohammed Ameen A. Abdo, Ala Eldin Abdallah Awouda, Yousif Elfatih Yousif

Mohammed Ameen A. Abdo, Ala Eldin Abdallah Awouda, Yousif Elfatih Yousif . A Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Image Resize (Resolution) Level using Cross-Layering in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 3 ( May 2021), 33-40. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921308

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title = { A Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Image Resize (Resolution) Level using Cross-Layering in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks },
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%A Mohammed Ameen A. Abdo
%A Ala Eldin Abdallah Awouda
%A Yousif Elfatih Yousif
%T A Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Image Resize (Resolution) Level using Cross-Layering in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
%@ 0975-8887
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

The increasing interest in wireless sensor networks with the rapid growth in micro-electronics technology has made it possible to deliver multimedia content over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs). There are several main peculiarities that make the delivery of multimedia content over WMSN challenging. Most of these are due to the processing, timing, and other quality of service requirements. Furthermore, WMSNs are susceptible to rapid degradation since they deal with large amount of data that require processing and transmission power. The traditional protocol stack architectures were designed to follow a strictly layered approach that may not support the essential requirements of these networks. In order to overcome the challenges posed by the limited bandwidth and resources associated with WMSN, the integration of functionality between different layers should be exploited. In this paper, a cross-layer design approach is proposed to overcome such challenges. In the proposed approach, the concept of cross-layering and fuzzy logic have been exploited to monitor the network conditions and control the amount of the multimedia data in order to utilize the available resources efficiently and improve the applications quality of service (QoS). The simulation results have shown better resource utilization, stability, and fairness in quality metrics consideration. The proposed approach has shown to be efficient compared to the conventional scheme in terms of bandwidth utilization, power consumption, delay, loss, and images quality. Moreover, the proposed approach has proved its efficiency compared to other adaptive methods especially in term of the quality of the received images at the receiver side.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image resize WMSN Cross-layer Fuzzy