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Application of GeoGebra to Improve Academic Performance of Students in Geometry

by Emmanuel K. Ansong, Daniel Asomani Wiafe, Richard Amankwah
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 29
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Emmanuel K. Ansong, Daniel Asomani Wiafe, Richard Amankwah

Emmanuel K. Ansong, Daniel Asomani Wiafe, Richard Amankwah . Application of GeoGebra to Improve Academic Performance of Students in Geometry. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 29 ( Oct 2021), 26-32. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921671

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Students’ performance in Geometry has been a source of worry to both teachers and students at the colleges of Education in Ghana. This is because the existing approach of teaching the afore-mentioned course has been chalk and talk (Traditional), which do not promote effective understanding. Thus, this study seeks to propose teaching according to Van Hiele theory of geometrical understanding using GeoGebra to address this gap. A sample of 390 level 100 students was selected purposively from a population of 490 level 100 students for the study. The main instrument for data collection was test. Data collected from the test were analyzed and presented by the independent sample t –test. Two tailed test was used in the descriptive statistics to test the null hypothesis. The reliability coefficient for the pre-test was 0.66 and that of the post-test was 0.65 indicating the instruments were accurate and reliable. The findings showed that there was significant difference between the mean score of students who were taught Geometry using GeoGebra and those taught without the use of GeoGebra in favor of the GeoGebra group. The study recommended among others that enough mathematics software especially GeoGebra should be provided in schools.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Van Hiele Theory GeoGebra Geometry