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Risk Assessment Analysis on Library Information System using OCTAVE Allegro Framework

by Nela Fitria Ningsih, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 28
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Nela Fitria Ningsih, Imam Riadi

Nela Fitria Ningsih, Imam Riadi . Risk Assessment Analysis on Library Information System using OCTAVE Allegro Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 28 ( Sep 2021), 6-13. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921620

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The current technology has become very important in the world of work, ranging from large companies and agencies. Behind all this, of course, there are advantages and disadvantages of IT in each company. Starting from corrupt, viruses to IT support in a company. INLISLite is asoftwarelibrary automation applicationthat has been built and developed by the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia since 2011. To analyze the risks that can occur in the INLISLite library information system using the Framework OCTAVE Allegro. This risk assessment is carried out by analyzing the risks obtained from the interview process, observation, and questionnaires. The next step is the data obtained will be processed using the OCTAV Allegro framework with 8 stages, namely, building risk criteria, identifying risks, analyzing risks and choosing risk mitigation approaches to reduce threats that will occur. The results of the research that has been done on the INLISLite Library Information System at the Library Service Center for the Regional Library and Archives of DIY, obtained theapproach is Mitigate 4, Defer is 1, and Accept is 2. Therisk value is relatively highin Physical Container with a total score of 29, namely a natural disaster that caused the INLISLite library at the DIY Regional Library and Archive Service Library Service Center to stop, while therisk value was relatively lowfound in the Technical Container with a total score of 15, namely the presence of a bug/error so that the INLISLite library information system was disrupted or stopped temporarily.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


INLISLite Library Information System Risk Assessment OCTAVE Allegro.