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Reseach Article

System Development of Vehicle Registration and Payment of Membership Indonesian Truck Entrepreneurs Association using Hierarchical Model-View-Controller Concept

by Rehulina Tarigan, Dedi Juniansha, Raden Kania
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Rehulina Tarigan, Dedi Juniansha, Raden Kania

Rehulina Tarigan, Dedi Juniansha, Raden Kania . System Development of Vehicle Registration and Payment of Membership Indonesian Truck Entrepreneurs Association using Hierarchical Model-View-Controller Concept. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 20 ( Aug 2021), 51-58. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921570

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%T System Development of Vehicle Registration and Payment of Membership Indonesian Truck Entrepreneurs Association using Hierarchical Model-View-Controller Concept
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The problems that have existed in Aptrindo (Asosiasi Pengusaha Truk Indonesia) Cilegon - Indonesia are regarding the registration of trucking companies and the inaccurate payment system for each vehicle unit. Aptrindo as an association of trucking companies in Indonesia, strives to obtain as many members as possible and register all vehicles owned by each trucking company. At this time, all member data in the form of trucking company data and their vehicle units are recorded manually on a spreadsheet. Aptrindo also has the authority to block vehicles that have not been registered but still carry out activities at certain locations such as Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pelindo 2), Merak Mas IKPP (Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper) and KBS (Krakatau Bandar Samudera. Inspection of vehicle registration status at the location is carried out manually by officers in the field based on a sheet of paper that is very prone to damage, torn or missing. The data printed on the paper is also not necessarily accurate because it is not printed every day or in other terms, the data on the paper is not necessarily in sync with the data in the Aptrindo admin spreadsheet. This out of sync results in vehicle units that can still operate when in fact the company that owns the vehicle has not paid dues in the current month. Field officers and admins also find it difficult to check the payment of membership dues. Apart from the problems that arise above, the admin also has difficulty in providing reports in a fast time. The purpose of this research is to automate and integrate all existing business processes within the scope of Aptrindo Cilegon. The development of an information system for registration and payment of vehicle unit fees will have a positive impact in providing accurate information on the payment status of each registered vehicle unit, transfer of contributions for each vehicle unit and data that can be accessed by Aptrindo officers or representatives at locations where vehicle units operate. With this information system for registration and payment of vehicle units, it is hoped that all interested parties can quickly find out the data and information they need. For example, Aptrindo officers can block operations if it is found that a vehicle unit has not paid dues, namely by checking the status of the vehicle through their mobile phone. The methodology used to collect and analyze data is observation, interviews with users and literature study. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method will be used in developing the application system. Software development methodology for business modeling using UML (Unified Modeling Language). The software to be built uses the concept of HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) which can speed up application development and is easy to maintain. With this software, access to data can be done on a real-time basis and the recording of all data is integrated in a database.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Aptrindo HMVC Concept Modularization Reusability Trucking Registration.