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Customer Relationship Management: An IT Success as Multifunctional Domain and it’s Fututre Directions

by Deepak A. Vidhate, Mansi Palve, Anushka Joshi, Aishwarya Lonkar, Tushar Nimase, Harshavardhini Mane, Adhikar Shinde, Dheeraj Kohli
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Deepak A. Vidhate, Mansi Palve, Anushka Joshi, Aishwarya Lonkar, Tushar Nimase, Harshavardhini Mane, Adhikar Shinde, Dheeraj Kohli

Deepak A. Vidhate, Mansi Palve, Anushka Joshi, Aishwarya Lonkar, Tushar Nimase, Harshavardhini Mane, Adhikar Shinde, Dheeraj Kohli . Customer Relationship Management: An IT Success as Multifunctional Domain and it’s Fututre Directions. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 19 ( Aug 2021), 30-34. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921538

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%A Mansi Palve
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%A Aishwarya Lonkar
%A Tushar Nimase
%A Harshavardhini Mane
%A Adhikar Shinde
%A Dheeraj Kohli
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy for improving profitability by focusing on customer needs and creating an attentive relationship with the customer. It’s an approach that focuses on managing relationships between the company and the customer and how to develop and retention it. A CRM system can provide powerful competitive advantage for organizations to enable them to survive in today’s market. There are various complex organizations, offering a wide range of services, which involve a multiplicity of customers, stakeholders and service providers; both in terms of type and number. Satisfying a diverse set of customer groups is complex, and requires development of strategic Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This paper contributes to the multifunctional domain area, by proposing an approach that scopes CRM strategy, allowing us a better understanding CRM implementation in diverse area; maximizing alignment of customer and management desires, expectation and needs. In IT terms, CRM means an enterprise – wide integration of technologies working together such as data warehouse, web site, phone support system, accounting, sales, marketing and production. This paper is directed towards information technology (IT) and marketing management (CRM) solution. The goal of this article is not to provide at all inclusive tutorial on CRM, but rather to provide a high level insight of the fundamental principles behind CRM and critical aspects of the IT development process.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Customer relationship management stakeholders multifunctional domain marketing management solution