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Gas Turbine Performance Adaptation using a Developed Search Algorithm

by E.G. Saturday, P. Nweke
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: E.G. Saturday, P. Nweke

E.G. Saturday, P. Nweke . Gas Turbine Performance Adaptation using a Developed Search Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 18 ( Jul 2021), 35-41. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921516

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This work focused on developing a technique for adaptation of gas turbine power plants. There are five basic losses or efficiency parameters in gas turbine operation which are compressor isentropic efficiency, turbine isentropic efficiency, combustor pressure loss, the exhaust pressure loss and the combustion efficiency. The performance of a gas turbine can be accurately simulated if these five parameters are known. The estimation of these parameters entails adapting the engine to the current operating conditions hence the process is known as adaptation. A sequential search algorithm and software were developed for the adaptation process. The software was developed in C# programming environment. To ensure to the efficiency parameters estimated are accurate, the estimated efficiency parameters were then used to calculate the turbine exit temperature and the net work output using data from two gas turbine power plants. For both gas turbine power plants, the calculated (simulated) turbine exit temperature and the net work output from the developed software closely approximate those obtained from the field. The net power output values are closer with percentage difference between the simulated and field values as 0.009% and 0.005% for the two plants while the percentage difference between the field values and the simulated turbine exit temperature values are 0.803% and 0.184% for the two power plants. The efficiency parameters obtained in this work are more accurate compared to previous work where they were manually varied to compare field data and simulated values. The developed adaptation technique could be applied to any gas turbine running on the simple open cycle with one compressor and one turbine which is suitable for electrical power production.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Adaptation gas turbine efficiency parameters operating conditions